Platform Issues

Healthcare & Reproductive Justice
La'Tasha is our champion of Reproductive Justice, tested and proven. She has been on the frontlines in Pennsylvania, fighting for reproductive freedom for over 20 years. Most are familiar with her work as Founder, President, & CEO of New Voices for Reproductive Justice. Reproductive Justice is the Human Right to control our bodies, sexuality, gender, work, reproduction and ability to form our families.
La'Tasha led New Voices for 18 years and gained recognition as a nationally respected leader and policy advocate in Harrisburg. As we face the end of "Roe v. Wade as the law of the land," we need candidate in this race who can lead us in this fight. No other candidate is as experienced and prepared as La'Tasha for this moment in political reality. La'Tasha is unshakable and unapologetic about healthcare for all, the Black maternal health crisis, and the need to expand access and improve the quality of Medicaid for low-income, elderly, disabled, LGBTQ+, and vulnerable Pennsylvanians. Now is the time to ensure La'Tasha is elected on Nov 8 and gets to Harrisburg as the first woman to be elected as the State Representative in House District 24!
La'Tasha is proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC, Represent PA, and #VOTEPROCHOICE!
La'Tasha fights for healthcare access and Reproductive Justice in our communities.

Equitable Education
Public education must be equitably funded for the children of our district and across the Commonwealth. We must invest in early childhood education and universal Pre-K. Supporting our teachers is essential and diversifying the education workforce is imperative. With a State Budget surplus, funding can be allocated for community schools to increase social supports for students.
La'Tasha believes students have the right to an expansive curriculum addressing our nation's history, as well as medically accurate and age-approriate, comprehensive sex education in school. She wants students to feel safe, regardless of their background, identity, sexual orientation, and expression.
La'Tasha is proud to be endorsed by the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers.
La'Tasha understands how the quality of public education is important to the present day and future of our children, and works to ensure students, parents, and teachers have a shared vision for learning outcomes.

Community Safety
Violence affects us all and impacts us differently. La'Tasha knows that safety at home, in school, and in the community are important to the residents of the 24th district. She supports a guaranteed basic income for our most economically marginalized families and households, investing in dedicated social spaces for youth, and passing an expanded Human Relations legislation to dissuade violent conflicts that begin or escalate online.
La'Tasha understands how the fear and trauma that is devastating our communities ranges and wants to address the root causes of these voilences: gun violence is disproportionately impacting the lives of Black youth; gender-based violence and LGBTQ+ violence is taking the lives of women, gender-expansive folx, and threatening our everyday safety, dignity and humanity; police violence demonstrates a need for alternatives to policing within our communities. Poverty and oppression, access to guns, social and economic inequality, and social determinants of healthcare are all issues that La'Tasha is prepared to tackle for the community.
La'Tasha wants to make our neighborhoods thrive, violence-free, with equitably resourced schools, affordable housing, and social supports.

Voting Rights
La'Tasha has been working to defend our democracy by ending voter suppression laws blocking free and fair elections. La'Tasha has been mobilizing voters in this district to exercise and protect the right to vote since 2004.
Vote-by-mail, early-in person voting, satellite-voting, drop boxes, and fair-redistricting increase access to the ballot for all. Mail-in voting ensures our safe, private, and secure access to the ballot. Democrats vote in greater numbers using mail-in ballots, however, Republican legislators have been introducing voter suppression laws that discourage mail-in ballots to stop our communities from voting.
La'Tasha understands the far-reaching impact that education about voting rights has on Pennsylvanians, especially those who are in the prison-industrial complex, are unhoused, or housing insecure. She wants to ensure that Pennsylvanians know their rights by educating the general public on a large scale.
La'Tasha is proud to be endorsed by Run for Something.
La'Tasha has been working to defend our democracy and end voter suppression laws blocking free and fair elections.

Environmental Justice
There is no Planet B! Climate change and environmental racism effects our clean water access and air quality, which are our Human Rights. La'Tasha believes we must take urgent action for environmental justice and climate change; through years of organizing and advocacy, she has been working to protect the environment.
La'Tasha recognizes that proximity of housing to toxic waste facilities, quality of air in our region resulting from transit, and access to fresh and affordable food has a large impact on our daily living, particularly in Black and poor communities. She wants to protect the environment for all of the residents of the 24th district by investing in renewable energy, a statewide moratorium on fracking, lead-free homes and schools, reduction of carbon emissions, and the elimination of "food deserts" through support of urban farmers and urban gardeners.
La'Tasha is proud to be supported by Sunrise Movement Pittsburgh and Sunrise Movement Pennsylvania.
La'Tasha has been working to protect the environment through years of organizing and advocacy.